Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 3, 2011

Oh back to work today. How sad. Actually, I enjoy work, but the holidays were nice.
The weather today was NOT nice. The rain had, I thought stopped by the time I was driving in to work, but when you drive 30 miles you can never be sure. Th record time so far has been 1 hour 45 minutes driving in due to weather and related accidents on the freeway. Today wasn't that bad.

I ended up working late not by choice, I just looked up from my work and realized it was past 7pm. Dear husband called to check on me at 7:45pm which is when I actually got up from my desk and left.

Of course working that late and being pregnant meant I couldn't wait the 35 minute drive home to eat, so it was a Carls Jr night for both of us.

It bothers me that I have to pay almost double a burger/fries combo to get a burger and salad, but I know I felt better eating the salad.

Getting home that late screws with everything. No time for any housework, just one show on netflix while cuddling on the couch before bed. (hence why this is posted 2 days late)

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